Saturday 20 October 2012

Lemon Rice (pulihora with lemon)

Ingredients :

Rice - 2 cups.
Salt - as per taste.
Medium size lemon  - 1.
Sugar - 1/4 tbsp.

For Temper :

Oil - 3 tbsps.
Mustad seeds (avalu) - 1/2 tbsp.
Cumin seeds (zeelakarra) - 1/2 tbsp.
Hing (inguva) - a pinch.
Split green chilli (pachi mirapakayalu niluvuga gatu pettinavi) - 3.
Red chilli - 2.
Curry leaves - 7.
Chana dal (senagabedalu) - 1 tbsp.
Peanuts (verusenaga pappu) - 2 tbsp.
Black gram (minapappu) - 1 tbsp.
Cashew nuts (jeedipappu) - 1 tbsp.
Turmaric (pasupu) - 1/2 tbsp.

Process :

  • Boil rice in a cooker with 4 cups of water with required salt.
  • Take boiled rice in a bowl let it be cool.
  • Now add sugar and lemon juice mix it well.
  • Heat oil in pan add mustard seeds,cumin seeds,hing,green chilli,red chilli,curry leaves,chana dal,peanuts,black gram,cashew nuts.finally add turmaric turn off flame.
  • Mix this tempering with boiled rice.
  • Lemon rice is ready to serve.

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