Sunday 14 October 2012

Chutney For Dosa, Idly, Vada

Ingredients :

roasted peanuts (verusenaga pappu) - 5 tbsps.
bengal gram (thine senagapappu) - 5tbsps.
grated coconut - 5tbsps.
ginger - small piece.
green chilli - 3.
tamarind paste - 1 or 11/2 tbsp.
salt - as per taste.

 For temparing :

mustard seeds - 1/2 tbsp.
cumin seeds - 1/2 tbsp.
garlic - 2 pieces.
bengal gram (senaga bedalu) - 1 tbsp.
black gram (minnapappu) - 1tbsp.
curry leaves - 4.
asafoetida - a pinch.
oil - for temparing.

process :

  • Grind peanuts,bengal gram,ginger,tamarind paste,cocomut,green chilli to a fine paste.Add salt as per taste.
  • If  u want more spicy add red chilli pwd.
  • Now heat oil in pan add mustard seeds,cumin seeds,garlic,bengal gram,black gram,curry leaves,asafoetida.
  • Let it be cool.
  • Now add temparing to chutney.
  • This good combination with dosa,idly,vada.

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